Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Photo Manipulation: Distortion and Enhancement

pt(I) - Distortion
Coincidentally, I had been discussing our countries' criminal justice system with my roomate and the infamous O.J. Simpson trail came up. Although we put minors in jail for life for manslaughter, we let famous celebrities off scott-free...
The above photos are both mug shots of O.J. Simpson the night of his arrest. On the left in Newsweek, the image is not edited. On the right, it was manipulated to make O.J.'s face darker with a vingette edge around the image-- adding a shadowy effect. These subtle dark addtions add to the overall  give off a troubling and guilty look. OJ becomes the shadow of the night that he "allegedly" killed his wife. The photo editor probably believed that O.J. was guilty and felt that the picture needed some darkening and menacing effects. Although some digital  alteration can be harmful to the person in the photo, I have no sympathy for O.J. and his mugshot in this situation.
pt(II)- Enhancement
I really enjoyed watching this short artsy clip on photo manipulatino. Oringinally a picture of a Burlesque dancer, the photo becomes something quite astonishing and supernatural at the end of the clip. The addition of galaxies and stars as the backdrop as well as the brightly colored hair and lips transforms this photo into something out-of-this-world!

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