Sunday, November 3, 2013

Class Presentations

My Presentation
Before presenting, I had a sequenced plan of how I wanted to present my topic. That plan sort of just went out the window when the person going right before me also chose yoga as a topic! Because of this, I was forced to adapt my presentation. Ironically, the most important thing I learned with this presentation was to allow for more flexibility in the outcome of the presentation. Flexibility is a key component of yoga, as well as life. If you fall out of a posture, you are told to get right back in it and to keep persevering and not to worry about how your posture looks (especially compared to others in the class). Flexibility is key in the outcome of poses: both physically and mentally.

Class Critique
Wow. The assortment of topics was most interesting to the say the least. Everyone's presentation was extremely different and unique. I was most surprised by the amount of personality and individuality that came through with each presentation. My average class presentation rating was a 9.167 and in my opinion, every presentation was well done. However, there were some that stuck with me more than others. One of the presentations that I have not stopped thinking about was texting and driving ( by Andrew).  Not only is it a pressing issue, but the topic was presented in  a heartfelt and informative way. Another presentation I though was very well done was on the topic of couch surfing. Will brought a lot of experience and enthusiasm to his subject and truly made me want to create an account on His information was very clear and the presentation was graphically pleasing. I enjoyed the presentation from start to finish!


  1. I really enjoyed your presentation! I had no idea that yoga classes are being taught on campus and I will definitely have to come out.

  2. I really enjoyed listening you talk about something we have in common
