Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My Website

LINK TO WEBSITE: http://www.cs.trinity.edu/~hsayrs

I had a lot of fun creating my personal portfolio website. I intend to keep adding to it over time. My contact information is available on my website as well. Feel free to contact me if you ever need anything or are wondering about things happening next semester with the SOS and TU Fit clubs.

Also, please visit my website and leave comments here about improvements and or questions!
See you guys around campus :)

Dear Newbies

This tech class covers so much more than the basics. Coming in, I expected to not learn as much as I did. Surprisingly, this class has pushed me to new levels and has allowed me to try new things such as website design and photoshop. I never thought I would be able to create my own website from scratch! Friends always ask me what project is that for? I tell them the EIT class and they are shocked. This is the kind of class that you can take to whatever level you want. Ms. Belisle creates an environment in which all of her students can succeed in and feel confident about their work. There is nothing to fear! Sit back and enjoy your EIT experience :)