Friday, August 30, 2013

Who is Hayley Sayrs?

The Basics: Sophomore (Class of 2016 whoo!)
Environmental Science & Biology double Major
Yoga = Life.
I enjoy shooting hoops occasionally.
Vegetarian cuisine and ethnic foods such as Thai, Indian and Vietnamese are my faves.
picture of me chillen' in Hermosa Beach, Cali

I currently reside in Arizona, but I've lived in a variety of places around the country (Wash D.C, Hawaii, New Mexico and Florida just to name a few). On campus, I am heavily involved with Trinity's SOS (Students of Sustainability) Club. SOS works to promote eco-consciousness and sustainable practices in many of Trinity's affairs. This year, we are hoping to expand our community garden 4-fold with the help of faculty and new student involvement, fingers crossed.
I also recently began my work/study career at the Coates Lib. Its pretty sweet. I get to do homework, doodle on white boards and say the announcements on the loudspeaker before closing.

Over the summer, I held a position with Phoenix Children's Hospital where I wrote and designed brochures on Microsoft Word. This is where a large part of my computer understanding was solidified. I have take numerous IT classes starting in elementary all the way up until my sophomore year in high school. When myspace was cool, I also taught myself how to write HTML because I wanted to have the flyest profile haha. Those were the days, kindof. I am really interested in improving my photoshop skills this semester because I love photography!

Something the average Trinitonian dosen't know about me is that I have a weird thing for spiders. Over the summer I started having tons of dreams where spiders became a motif or theme in the dream (I love to analyze and interpret the meanings hidden in my unconscious). I used to hate and fear spiders but now I embrace them and look to them as dream helpers. Spiders appear to be scary and dark creatures that bite and do harm. But in fact, spiders are very misconceived beings. Yes, there are some spiders that are venomous such as the infamous black widow and the brown recluse, but many spiders are harmless and would never bite someone unless they thought they were being attacked. Spiders are also very creative and flexible. They reconstruct their glistening webs almost every day and no pattern is ever the same. We could learn a thing or two from these misunderstood invertebrates.

You can always reach me by email